Kibela - Space for Art – Prostor za umetnost

Currently in Kibela:

» Marko Jakše: Mejd in Franc, dva

» TRG(Transient Reality Generators): FOAM at Kibla

» e-AGORA - Virtual Platform for Performing Arts

Kibela reflects the variety of ideas and visions that co-exist in contemporary art. Today, this variety is very heterogeneous. In Slovenia, Kibela has unique characteristics, since it unites and synthesizes various artistic approaches, from classical (paintings, statues) to the latest highly sophisticated technologies. Creativeness with the use of classical media is important for the enrichment of modern, more complex expressive contents.

Therefore, Kibela’s concept is actually a reservoir of different artistic media that sometimes interblend and sometimes appear as an interaction of different media, which are in a perfect synthesis.

Visual art program in Kibla has been present since 1996. Gallery Kibela - space for art, was established in January 1999 and this year it celebrated its fifth anniversary. During this time more than 80 exhibitions, events and performances of Slovene and international authors took place.

Copyright © 2005 MMC KIBLA