Matjaž Krivic /
Matjaž Krivic (1972, Ljubljana) The author has won recognition
with numerous outstanding photos, which have appeared
in all important printed media in Slovenia; he works for
the French photo agency Sipa Press and for the Norwegian
agency Millimeter Design. He has been awarded twice by
The Royal Geografic Society, having been named as photographer
of the year (2002 and 2003).
Matjaž Krivic is a master of emotionally charged portrait
and landscape nomadic photography. His computer programmed
multivision is a persuasive personal confession of a global
vision. The author uses technology to upgrade individual
photographs into a spectacle of images and music, which
are sometimes reminiscent of post-hippie "love, peace
and harmony" extasy of the Rainbow festival type,
since the author vibrates with social as well as with
all other living entities. He believes the love of global
paradise is the highest emotional and esthetic virtue.
Title: Kaliyuga
Technique: DVD
Year: 2002-2004
Artwork: Multivison
projection with sound